Monday, November 26, 2012

New TV Show/Nickelodeon

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been around a long time! And they're back! We've been fans for as long as we can remember. The new Turtles, executive producer (Ciro Neili) explained to the public how this version of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fits right in with the  universe we all loved as we grew up. It's scary for fans everywhere when different studio and animation producers get their hand on a licence like this one. It's very important not to change it. And if you do..Don't screw it up! So far it looks like the next generation of Turtle fans like this make-over. Now that we have a good TV show for them,
Lets see if they can get the Movie right! (New Movie Set to hit theaters in 2014)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Movie Review

If you don't know about the comic book story this animated movie is based on, this is about the death of Batman's second Robin, Jason Todd, and the mysterious character and events that serve as a follow up to this event years later. Now, We know this movie isn't exactly new. But we just watched it for the 27th time and when we realized a lot of our friends just haven't seen it yet! We're big fans of The Bat here at and we had to use our blog to spread the word to all the loyal comic book fans and animated DC comic film followers. If you don't have this movie in your 
collection, go get it now! It's a must see and gets 5 stars from our team.
Follow us on Twitter: @fusetoons

Monday, February 20, 2012

Garbage Pail Kids

The Garbage Pail Kids are back! We remember these trading card (stickers) from the 80's ! Each sticker card features a Garbage Pail Kid character having some comical abnormality and/or suffering some terrible fate. They also had humorous character names, such as Glandular Angela or Half-Nelson. Two versions of each card were produced, with variations featuring the same artwork but a different character names. Go buy a pack of these, Take our word for it. They're Awesome!